地方/Rural 自然/Nature 食/Food


My first visit to Oki island.


After a 20-minute flight on the ATR from Izumo Airport, I arrived at Okinoshima Town, one of the Oki Islands. The approach to the airport is spectacular, and since the runway is on a cliff, you get the illusion of dynamic impact as you land.


I traveled around the island in a small car rented from Oki Rental Lease. Once the rental car reception is completed in front of the arrival gate at the airport, I was free to drive without any checking since the car was parked in the airport car park. On the way back, I just parked the car in the airport car park and put the key in the dashboard, which is a unique country-style rental method. It's a kind of car sharing. Therefore, I couldn't return the car by paying for the mileage, and I had to return it with a full tank, which is a bit inconvenient for those who usually pay for the mileage (there is an ENEOS on Route 485 just before the Saigo Ohashi Bridge: cards accepted).


Driving from the airport, I was so eager to see the ocean that I headed straight for the Imazu area without crossing the Saigo Bridge.


I headed east on Prefectural Route 43 to the Saigo area in the center of the island to eat fish for lunch. However, there was still some time before opening, so I just wandered around the center. I parked my car in the ferry terminal parking lot. Parking is free for up to an hour, so I took advantage of that and headed to Menuki street (it means main street) in the center. It was still before noon and it was quiet.


During the walk, I discovered the Bridge of Love. However, due to deterioration, it was fenced off and locked, and no one was allowed to cross. I felt a little lonely in the modern world where it has become difficult to love your neighbor.


I continued walking down the Yao River towards Mioya Shrine.


Finally, I headed to the ferry terminal where I had parked my car.


When I visited, there were no ferries arriving or departing, and the place was quiet. I happened to stop by a shop and bought a clear file of Oki Kisen that caught my eye. Inside the terminal, a young woman was doing teleconference work on her PC, and the few passengers were spending their time as they pleased.


What surprised me more was the adjacent tourist information center. The facility is new, with a classy and beautiful wooden interior. There are desks with power outlets, so you can charge your phone while gathering information, making it very comfortable.

ここから電動自転車(E -BIKEサービス https://e-oki.net/e-bike/)を借りて島を巡ることもできる。格好いいバイクだったが、島全体が起伏のある道が多いので覚悟が必要そう。

You can also rent an electric bicycle (E-BIKE service) from here and travel around the island. It was a cool bike, but the whole island has many hilly roads so you need to be prepared.


Leaving the Saigo area in the city center, I headed east on Prefectural Route 47, passing Tsunomejima and Okitsunomejima on the right. After passing the Okusa area, the road becomes up and down and narrows at the same time. In places, it's a road where you wish oncoming cars wouldn't come. After all that, I arrived in the Fuse area. From here, Prefectural Route 47 turns into National Route 485, and after a short drive, I entered a narrow mountain road along the Kasuga River. After about 6km of driving in fear of oncoming cars, I arrived at Iwakura Chibusa Cedar, a powerful power spot.

圧倒的な緑と杉の存在感。 駐車場はなく、突然に現れるので道に止めるしかないが、当日は車も少なかったので問題ない。こんな感じで車を停めた。通り過ぎてしまいことに注意を。

The overwhelming presence of greenery and cedars.There is no parking lot, and it appears suddenly, so you have to park on the road, but there were few cars on the day, so it wasn't a problem. I parked my car like this. Be careful not to pass it by.


The theory is that you should come from the Saigo area via Prefectural Route 316 that runs along the Choshi River, but due to the heavy rains in recent years, it is closed to traffic, so I visited from the Fuse area. However, even if you stop to take photos along the way, it takes about an hour from Saigo, so there is no stress other than the narrowness of the road.


After the cedars, I went to Nakamura Beach. The weather wasn't particularly clear, and although it looked sunny, there were a lot of clouds. Under such conditions, the blue color was not as vivid as I had hoped, but I was still able to appreciate the beautiful color.


Then, I drove back along National Route 485, going east to Mizuwakasu Shrine, the Ichinomiya of Oki Province.


Its history is said to date back to either the Heian or Edo period, but it is unclear, but the main shrine “Honden” was very impressive. It is a unique structure called Oki-zukuri, which is a combination of Taisha, Kasuga, and Shinmei-zukuri styles that cannot be seen on the mainland. I wish I had studied more before coming here.


Next, I headed south along the west coast on Prefectural Route 44, just past the shrine, to visit Dangyo Shrine, which has a waterfall within its grounds. The narrow road that leads off the prefectural road was about 5km long, making drivers cry in fear of oncoming traffic. After finally reaching the parking lot, I walked a short distance along the Naku River to the main shrine, but in the gloomy, cloudy afternoon through the deserted dense forest, it felt a little scary.


Trees had also fallen, probably due to the heavy rain.


I arrived at the shrine from the parking lot in less than 10 minutes.


The Dangyo Falls at Dangyo Shrine can be seen from behind. That's why it's also called Urami Falls. It's a pleasant waterfall with a drop of 40m, but it seemed even higher. However, when I looked up at the sky from behind, I couldn't help but think that it would have been even better if the sky had been blue.


I wanted to see the sunset at Yuimaeno-su (sandbank), but there was no parking lot, so I gave up. Instead, I changed my destination to Nagu Misaki (Cape Nagu). On the way there, I went to Yui Pond. I went back a little north on Prefectural Route 44, which I had taken to go to Dangyo Shrine. As a crater lake, it is said to be over 200m in diameter, but I was surprised by the grandeur of the background. There is a floating island in the center. It looked a bit like Tairo Pond that I had seen on Miyake Island.


It would have been better if there were clouds and fog here, as it would have been more picturesque. It had a worldview somewhat reminiscent of Kaii Higashiyama's.


Finally, we headed to Cape Nagu to watch the sunset. There was a toilet in the parking lot, and it was a scenic spot. You could see the white lighthouse in the distance.


It looked like it would be quite a challenge to get there, with the difference in elevation, and I gave up halfway because there were so many crows.


Going further in, there were cows grazing, and it was scary to walk along the road and come face to face with the cows alone in the evening. The old white lighthouse in the parking lot is beautiful, along with the story of the local residents. Along with the old and new lighthouses.


Oki is located in a geopark, so the sea was really beautiful. To be honest, I wish it was sunny, just like Amami Oshima. There were also places that I couldn't go to, such as Candle Island and Yuimaeno-su, due to road closures. On the other hand, I was able to go to many other spots that are not shown in the photos. There were no convenience stores, let alone supermarkets, so the drugstore in the Saigo area was an important place to get supplies. I think that such inconveniences are good sometimes. This time I only went to Dogo, but if they could coordinate the flight times with ferries to Dozen, it would be easier to visit Oki...

【番外編】[Extra Edition]


For lunch, I went to "Ajinokura" in the Saigo area. It opens at 11:00, so it's perfect for sightseeing after the plane from Izumo arrives. There is parking for six cars, but the parking is diagonal to the public road, so if you park at the back and another car parks in front of you, it will be difficult to get in and out.I ordered a sashimi teshoku (sashimi set) meal (1,760 yen).


There were four types of fish. Tuna, clams (Baigai), flying fish, and horse mackerel. The texture of the clams and the fat of the flying fish were exquisite. I wanted to eat more, but it can't be helped. The bamboo shoots were also delicious.

昼ごはん②も食べた。隠岐そばを食べに五箇創生舘にある「喫茶 木かげ」へ。入店した際、韓国ドラマを見ていた店員さん二人には申し訳なく思うが作ってもらった。めかぶ入りのそばに。めかぶの香りが強すぎて、あごの香りもするが、めかぶが強かった。さっぱりと頂きました。

I also had lunch ②. I went to "Kissa Kokage" in Goka Souseikan to eat Oki soba. I felt bad for the two staff members who were watching a Korean drama when I entered the store, but they made it for me.I ordered soba with mekabu. The mekabu aroma was too strong, and although I could also smell the flying fish, the mekabu was the strongest.

-地方/Rural, 自然/Nature, 食/Food
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